“FingerPrint or Love yourself”


Size: 120 W x 140 H x 3 sm (47.2 W x 55.1 H x 1.2 in)
Type of work: Relief, collage
Creation year : 2019
Materials: Keys of mechanical keyboards, laptop keys, plastic, hardboard
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Every time we press a button, we create our own history, our own world, and change our destinies.

The fingerprint as a path to the spiritual self. In the center is the symbol of the heart – what we are looking for in ourselves and trying to understand and love. The imprint lines around it look like rings on a slice of wood, a shell that we use to protect our core from the outside world. And only after passing them one by one, we come to self-knowledge and acceptance of self-love.


The work consists of old keyboards with 4543 unique keys that store the history of previous owners ‘ touch.

Each key was pressed hundreds of thousands of times, forming words, sentences, thoughts, feelings, and the history of its owners, bankers, managers, programmers, politicians, and others. These people changed the fate and lives of other people, forever leaving their imprint in their history.

Short love messages in Russian and English are encoded in the mosaic as a tribute to the millions of fingers that once touched these keyboards and preserved the history of previous owners.
This work is the 7th major project of such works.


